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Follow for articles on healthcare system design
video | Dr Brent C. James shows that better quality care costs less.
Presentation by Brent James and panel discussion with Elliott Fisher, Farzad Mostashari, and Jeff Selberg. Nov 2017.
Dove specializes in shampoo bottles that are designed against their customers
Some simple design changes to improve usability and appearance.of this Kenmore Oven dial
From the hallway, you shouldn't be able to see the patient sitting on the toilet.
Apple loves to place a full stop (period) after headings on their marketing. Do they serve any use? Is this just a trend?
Healthcare will undergo major changes in the coming decades. Most of the work physicians do today will be replaced – either by non-physicians trained in specific competencies or by computers.
Stockouts and overstocking are common in hospitals. A two-bin kanban system can eliminate this, and also shorten the time to find and stock supply.
Our Regional Health Authority loses a staggering $10 - $30 each time an ER physician logs into the computer.
Brick floors are far noiser than flat laminate for patients on stretchers